There was an improvement of the sound’s purity and transparency, and a better detail retrieval and more colorful presentation were noticeable when the Vertere landed on this rack. This improvement was primarily a result of a “blacker” background, or in other words of the lower background noise level, which is difficult to notice itself but impacts our perception of music. With both turntables on top of Rogoz I tried thumping and jumping around the rack to check whether or not it would influence playback. It didn’t, which proved a good isolation from even significant vibrations this rack provided.
I did a test with two tube preamplifiers too – my ModWright LS100 and Air Tight ATC-2. Placing them on 5SMX12/BBS shelves resulted on one hand with deepened saturation of sound that seemed even more natural, organic, on the other hand improved control and precision of presentation.
[High Fidelity No. 149, November 2016]