Anti-vibration platform with „sandwich” structure. Double shelves 2 x 30 mm thick are separated by BBS. BBS has kinematic and dynamic qualities which enable isolated masses to “float” to the sides relative to the system axis, maintaining point support at the same time. BBS also makes it possible to level the stand shelves. Anti-vibration stands are designed for high end audio components.
The audio platform structure incorporates a new proprietary Rogoz Audio antivibration system, BBS (Balancing Board System, Patent P.404137 Pending). The system consists of a threaded, height-adjustable spike made of high-fiber-content steel alloy, on top of which two elements are placed, each with an inner bearing. An intermediary (middle) element is made of carbon fiber and supports another element, a steel bearing inserted into the shelf. Point contact between the steel spike and the carbon intermediary element prevents movement of either element relative to its axis, but it allows pendular motion. Meanwhile, the contact between the intermediary element and the bearing inserted into the shelf allows restricted rolling motion and sliding motion. Consequently, the advantages of spike point support (contact area has been minimized and kinetic energy turns into heat) have been combined with the effects of deadening vibrations owing to to sliding friction and rolling resistance.

The GOLDEN ANALOG 2015 award is given for products which offer outstanding quality in their price range, and at same time raise standards for products in a given Hi-fi or High-end segment.

To sum up, the Rogoz Audio 3RP1/BBS platform performed spectacularly in both directions during the test. And there’s no indulgence at all in this opinion, it was just perfect. I frankly admit, I had not expected that. I have nothing more to say other than that I’m all for the platform. The Rogoz platform, that is. The only thing left for me is to negotiate – maybe they’ll let me keep it longer, of course for promotional purposes. That quite unlikely, but hey, a man can hope.
(“HiFi Philosophy”, 10/03/2015)

Rogoz Audio 3RP1/BBS Isolation Board
(Positive Feedback, No. 125 November/December 2014)

“RED Fingerprint award is given throughout the year to products which made an especially powerful impression on their reviewers. Unlike the Best Sound award, which is given by the whole editorial team, Red Fingerprint is a reviewer’s personal award not only to prove that the product is of topmost quality (a prerequisite for the award), but also to appreciate his personal encounter with it. The award is not common, there is one for every fifteen reviews. It is symbolized by a red thumb print, indicating that a High Fidelity reviewer has given the particular product his imprimatur.”

This is the first anti-vibration platform, perhaps excepting Finite Elemente Pagode Edition HD-09, whose timbre was characterized by greater density and whose center of mass was located lower than in the pneumatic platform from Japan, which is my reference. Others, even the best ones, brightened the sound, thinning out the midrange to a lesser or greater degree. Those with top-notch construction design offered specific benefits such as enhanced selectivity and stronger attack, and as a result made the sound more open and dynamic. These are all good things. However, I always used to have a feeling that there was something missing. That feeling would soon pass, only to be replaced by curiosity and respect for the designers, but my awareness of it was still there. This time, respect was accompanied by the feeling of fulfillment. It was as if I had spotted a large piece of amber – on a beach, amongst tangled seaweed – emanating warm light.
(“High Fidelity”, nr 125/2014)
Overall height: 142 mm
Overall width: 600 mm
Overall depth: 460 mm
Leg profile: 165 x 60 mm
Top shelf: 460 x 460 x 30 + 30 mm
Maximum load: up to 100 kg
1 platform
4 height-adjustable spikes
BBS between shelves
4 massive anti-scratch disks protecting the floor
CD players;
analog gramophones;
power amplifiers;
integrated amplifiers;
other loudspeakers