Anti-vibration platform with „sandwich” structure. Double shelves 2 x 50 mm thick and bases 70 mm thick are separated by BBS. BBS has kinematic and dynamic qualities which enable isolated masses to “float” to the sides relative to the system axis, maintaining point support at the same time. BBS also makes it possible to level the stand shelves. Antivibration stands are designed for high end audio components.
The audio platform structure incorporates a new proprietary Rogoz Audio antivibration system, BBS (Balancing Board System, Patent P.404137). The system consists of a threaded, height-adjustable spike made of high-fiber-content steel alloy, on top of which two elements are placed, each with an inner bearing. An intermediary (middle) element is made of carbon fiber and supports another element, a steel bearing inserted into the shelf. Point contact between the steel spike and the carbon intermediary element prevents movement of either element relative to its axis, but it allows pendular motion. Meanwhile, the contact between the intermediary element and the bearing inserted into the shelf allows restricted rolling motion and sliding motion. Consequently, the advantages of spike point support (contact area has been minimized and kinetic energy turns into heat) have been combined with the effects of deadening vibrations owing to to sliding friction and rolling resistance.
The Finale / BBS platform improves resolution and differentiation, “darkening” and smoothing the sound. This is a high-end feature of the best high-end components and systems.
[High Fidelity No. 185, October 2019]
Regardless of the type of music, the contribution of Finale/BBS could be narrowed down to making the sound more velvet-like and more coherent, but at the same time more readable, down to the minutest details and subtleties. This was not accomplished, however, by emphasising the latter ones, but rather by harnessing them in creating a fuller and more genuine whole.
[Hi-Fi Choice, November 2019]
Overall height: 194 mm
Overall width: 600 mm
Overall depth: 460 mm
Leg profile: sandwich MDF+MDF+HDF 70 mm thick
Top shelf: sandwich MDF+MDF+HDF 600 x 460 x 50 mm
Bottom shelf: sandwich MDF+MDF+HDF 600 x 460 x 50 mm
Maximum load: up to 150 kg
1 platform
6 height-adjustable spikes
double BBS between two shelves and three bases
CD players;
Analog gramophones
Power amplifiers
Integrated amplifiers