
Two reviews of our 3T1/BBS platforms have appeared, almost simultaneously, in HiFi Choice and…

Two reviews of our 3T1/BBS platforms have appeared, almost simultaneously, in HiFi Choice and…

Two reviews of our 3T1/BBS platforms have appeared, almost simultaneously, in HiFi Choice and in HiFi Philosophy. The link to the first one (HiFi Choice) can be found below. The link to the other one will be given in the forthcoming post. The platforms had already been reviewed in and won awards from High Fidelity and Positive Feedback.

„When the speaker cables were placed on the platforms, the sound became a bit tighter, closer and loaded. At the same time, my attention was drawn to inconspicuous elements present in many recordings, less noticeable without the platforms. The clarity and sonority of the trebles were also affected. When a piece was played that had some drums fun it in, both metal and wooden, their sound with cables on the platform was more sonorous, melodious and lighter, but not by being less loaded, but by resounding more easily. The better the recording and the more inconspicuous elements it contained, the better they were exposed by the 3T1/BBS.”
[„Hi-Fi Choice”]

